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Tracyton Pee Wees is a Member Club of Kitsap Adult Pee Wee Association (KPAPWA) in which Players must register with their designated Club based on their residence address. To be eligible to play with Tracyton Pee Wees, the perspective Player must be able to meet the residency requirements and live within the association’s boundary.  Schools in Boundary: Brownsville, Cottonwood, Woodlands and Pinecrest Elementary Schools. Residential address must be within the listed Elementary Schools.

Prior to registration, verify if your resident address is within the prescribed boundaries of Tracyton Pee Wees. New Players will be required to submit an Address Verification Document from Tier 1 or Tier 2 detailed below. The Address Verification Document can be uploaded at the time of registration or can be emailed to the Registrar at [email protected]

If you are a returning Tracyton Player and have moved out of our boundaries, contact the Registrar regarding the details and eligibility requirements of a Move Release Form.

NOTE: Players who belong to any of the Organizations who choose not to field sports for a particular sports season through Pee Wees, such as Baseball, shall be given the option to play Pee Wees for another KPAPWA Member Club for that sport.  Players must return to their Parent Club for all other Sports.

Please review the School District's Boundary Maps for Brownsville, Cottonwood, Woodlands and Pinecrest Elementary Schools.


A player must reside within the prescribed boundary lines of the Parent Club for which he/she plays the first day of the sports season in progress. A player will be regarded to reside within the Parent Club’s boundaries if:
  • Their parents are living together and are residing within such Parent Club boundaries, OR;
  • Either of the player’s parents or their court-appointed legal guardian reside within such boundaries.
Residence, reside, and residing refer to a place of actual continuous habitation. A place of residence once established shall not be considered changed unless the parents, parent, or guardian makes an actual change of residence.

NEW PLAYERS: An Address Verification Document from Tier 1 or 2 is required to prove residency within our boundaries for new player registrations. Players and their parents/guardians are advised that a false statement of residence will lead to ineligibility to play up to including forfeiture of games and suspension of play for the season.

If your address requires verification by the KPAPWA Registrar the parent(s) or guardian(s) of said player will be required to establish residency by providing supporting documents containing the full residence which includes parent(s) or guardian(s) name, street address, city, state and zip code information, dated or in force of the current sport’s year, from one or more documents from EACH of the three Tiers detailed below:

  • Driver’s License
  • School Records
  • Vehicle Records (Registration, Lease, etc.)
  • Employment Records
  • Insurance Documents
  • Welfare/Child Care Records
  • Federal Records (Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)
  • State Records
  • Local Municipal Records
  • Support Payment Records
  • Homeowner or Tenant Records
  • Military Records
  • Voter’s Registration
  • Utility Bills (Gas, Electric, Water, Sewer, Phone, Waste Disposal)
  • Financial Records
  • Medical Records
  • Internet, Cable, or Satellite Records
  • Three documents from the same Tier (utility bill, cable bill, and bank statement) constitute only ONE document.
  • Certain documents may be used in different Tiers, but will count for only one Tier per player. For example, if a water or sewer bill is used to satisfy Tier II as a municipal record, that same bill CANNOT be used as a utility bill to satisfy Tier III.
  • Any documents submitted as proof of residence must show customary usage or consumption to demonstrate actual continuous habitation as determined by the KPAPWA Registrar. 
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